From Abandonment to Abundance: Create a Love that Lasts

3 + Hour Masterclass


 Be honest, does this sound familiar?


You cross paths with someone special…

…and without hesitation, you plunge into the relationship. You put all your hopes and dreams into this new connection, even before you genuinely understand WHO this person really is. Emotional investment seizes you almost instantly. 

Red flags begin to surface…

…as the relationship progresses. However, you downplay these issues, brush them under the rug, and even find yourself denying their existence. Your primary objective is to hold onto this relationship because you don’t want to be alone.  Your abandonment fear has taken over your decision making.

 Discontent creeps in…

…as your needs remain unfulfilled. But you convince yourself, “Just a little more patience, maybe a different approach, and things will get better.” You lose touch with your true feelings and needs, having devoted all your attention to your partner.

 Powerlessness starts to overshadow…

…your feelings, as the relationship continues to hurdle forward. You start to feel resentment build as you continue to hide your true thoughts & feelings.  And your partner doesn’t align with your expectations, no matter your efforts. Yet, the fear of being alone is holding you hostage. So you endure in a blur of unfulfillment.

And in the end…

…the relationship reaches its inevitable conclusion, leaving you heartbroken, disoriented, and questioning, “Where did I go wrong?”


I know it’s possible to stop letting your abandonment fear control your relationship decisions because I’ve experienced it myself.

Picture how empowering it would be to…




End the constant cycle of hot & cold relationships. Confront and heal your abandonment fears, and address the deep-seated issues that have been hindering your happiness.



Stop letting fear dictate your love life. Make decisions that are right for you & your authentic needs & feelings, instead of always putting other people before yourself.



Never date an emotionally unavailable partner again.  End your attraction to these types of partners and step into a future where you make healthier and happier decisions.



Feel enough just as you are.  Release yourself from the need for constant external validation and attract partners who see your true worth.


Reconnect with your inner child.  See yourself in a way you didn't know was possible and feel that steady inner peace, even if a relationship ends.


Control nagging anxiety & self-doubt. When relationships become shaky, manage your emotions with ease so that you no longer need to rely on others for your sense of calm.


Be emotionally available. Finally experience genuine intimacy, deep connections, and a fulfilling relationship with a partner who loves you for you.


Leave relationships that don’t serve you. Dissolve your abandonment fears so that honoring yourself matters more than holding onto a bad relationship.  Finally stop settling for breadcrumbs.


It's time. 

It’s time to do the work to heal so that you can attract healthy, loving partners from a place of abundance & security within yourself



3+ Hour Masterclass

From Abandonment to Abundance:

Create a Love that Lasts

Video Module 1:Heal Your Abandonment Wound for Good
  • Finally make decisions that honor what you really think, feel, and need in your relationships, you're done making choices rooted in abandonment fears
  • Break the cycle of dating avoidants or emotionally unavailable partners, when you do the inner work they won't even be your type anymore
Video Module 2: Feel Secure, Calm, and Safe to be Your Authentic Self
  • Finally embrace being vulnerable so that you finally feel safe to express your emotions, no more stuffing your feelings or walking on eggshells
  • Get rid of that that “I’m too much” feeling, feel so confident about what you deserve in a relationship that you know exactly when it's time to walk away, you will never settle for again
  • Confidently manage the emotions you feel if rejection happens or your partner has a negative reaction to you being vulnerable 
Video Module 3: Enter Relationships with Ease and Attract a Healthy Love
  • Space, distance or lags in communication will feel like a blip on your radar, you’ll have a go-to plan for how to handle scenarios like this, without all the overwhelm.
  • Responding anxiously to inconsistent behavior will be a thing of the past. Gain the tools to tune inward and regulate your mind & body when you are triggered and create your own calm
  • Never emotionally invest too soon in a relationship again!  Get my blueprint for exactly what to look for to determine if there is true compatibility so that you don't waste any of your precious time

Get lifetime access to this 3+ hour self-paced course for just $444 usd


Hi, I’m Erica. 

Like you, I've experienced the dreaded never-ending cycle of abandonment dating. It was a lonely time that left me questioning my self-worth, values, and confidence.

Quite honestly. I was a hot mess.  

  • Doubting and second guessing myself all the time.
  • Always looking to others to find happiness
  • Continually drawn to avoidant + emotionally unavailable partners.
  • Constantly looking for validation from others
  • Left feeling hopeless after every relationship 

It wasn’t until I uncovered the blind spots keeping me stuck that I was able to break free from the cycle of abandonment dating, take back my power, and accept responsibility for creating the relationship and love I desired. 

Once I took responsibility for creating the relationship I wanted, everything changed. I found confidence in myself, discovered what I wanted in a partner, and started attracting the LOVE I deserved.

Now, it’s my passion to help individuals (just like you) break free from toxic relationship patterns, get unstuck from the blocks holding you back, and build the healthy love you deserve.Â